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Saturday, December 12, 2009

USA Today, Jenny Sanford, 12.12.09

Jenny Sanford files for divorce from governor

By Tim Smith, The Greenville News
South Carolina's first lady has filed for divorce months after her husband publicly confessed an affair with an Argentine woman. Return to full story
Response by Dr. Alan Phillips 12.12.09


Good for Jenny, she had the courage to end this man's unfaithfulness. He lied and failed to keep his oath of fidelity to her and the family for many months. She had the courage to permanently separate from Mark Sanford while the South Carolina legislature did not. A courageous woman when compared to many who were participants in commentary and opinions on this governor's pathetic morality.

For example, compare Jenny's resolve with Republican party notables like a southern governor speaking in Iowa this past summer. When asked if Sanford should resign his position the answer given focused on the fact that this was not a hanging offense. The official went on to say that this matter would not change one vote in South Carolina, I respectfully disagree.

I applaud Jenny's action, Mark is an obvious failure both as a husband and as a role model for her, the children, including many voters and their families that live in South Carolina. Jenny in separating herself from this loser has provided the model for South Carolinians stuck in similar relationships.

In the future, when South Carolinians encounter a corrupt, unfaithful, philandering leader, they should separate him from government service. Frankly, before Republicans strategize for coming elections in 2010 or 2012, they need to master the fundamentals of life: honesty, loyalty, morality, ethics, keeping an oath or vow, reputation and faithfulness. If they choose to follow the Democrat, John Edwards paradigm for marital bliss and moral consciousness, they as a party will be in deep trouble. Republicans should look to candidates who are examples of efficiency, morality and ethics. Perhaps this is why the 55 founding fathers included ethical men like Abraham Baldwin, a minister, who became a member of Congress.

I have long been a grass roots American of Republican persuasion. Like Jenny, ethics, morality, honesty, vows and oaths matter to me a great deal. In the final analysis my word is my bond. Failure in fulfilling a solemn oath is never an option for any spouse in a marriage. Frankly keeping my commitments to my family is a trust that I am delighted to uphold.

Jenny will obviously do well in whatever she decides to pursue. Her family is blessed that she is now fully at the helm of the home. Her example in facing this issue, inspires and motivates us to keep our feet firmly planted in the sanctity of our marital vows, to love, honor and to cherish.

Jenny is a winner and we are all strengthened because of her resolve and this recent action. We will not forget her and include the family in our prayers and best wishes. All of us including, our families and nation, are recipients of Jenny's incredible courage in enduring the pain of deception and finally calling a halt to this man's nonsense. Her future will be bright and rewarding filled with many achievements. His future, as he ages, is quite another matter.