Dr. Phillips Grilling

Dr. Phillips Grilling
Iowa State Fair Pork Tent Pork Producers Assn

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent
Iowa State Fair Pork Producers Assn

Dr. Phillips on Police Harley

Dr. Phillips on Police Harley
Bandana Barbeque Springfield Missouri

A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa

A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa
John, Julie, Ellie, Will and Luke

Monday, May 13, 2013


NY TIMES, MAY 13, HILLARY CLINTON POST, AGP The Secretary of State bears major responsibility and culpability in the lack of protection and oversight of Ambassador Stevens and the others who died. In 2010 resources were positioned off shore by the department to rescue Hillary if needed when she visited Libya. Testimony confirms that she wanted the American Embassy opened in Benghazi by the time she left office to commemorate her service. She has brought dishonor, death and shame on the department she represented. Mrs. Clinton is neither qualified or equipped for the presidency. Hopefully she will not campaign. Dr. Alan G. Phillips, Ed. D.