Dr. Phillips Grilling

Dr. Phillips Grilling
Iowa State Fair Pork Tent Pork Producers Assn

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent
Iowa State Fair Pork Producers Assn

Dr. Phillips on Police Harley

Dr. Phillips on Police Harley
Bandana Barbeque Springfield Missouri

A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa

A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa
John, Julie, Ellie, Will and Luke

Thursday, February 14, 2013

NORTH KOREA, THE PARIAH OF THE WORLD. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING FROM HISTORY? One has only to revisit Winston Churchill’s analysis of Neville Chamberlain’s meetings with Adolph Hitler on German soil to uncover the dangers of appeasement. Nazi military leader Keitel answered to Czech interrogation at Nuremberg that the Germans would have retreated from Czechoslovakia quickly had westerners called their bluff. Do we honestly assume peace from the North Koreans predicated on visits from a choir of intellectual midgets like Madeline Albright, Jimmy Carter and Bill Richardson. Is it now time for the administration to make it abundantly clear that further talk and nuclear/rocket tests by one of the world’s largest totalitarian army and closed societies will provoke a massive armed response from this nation. Are we not manufacturing another Munich and will we survive if we are unwilling to use our powers against tyrants and their militaristic ambitions? North Korean rashness must now be confronted. If we stop North Korea there is a lesson to be learned by Iran. Dr. Alan G. Phillips Sr.