Dr. Phillips Grilling

Dr. Phillips Grilling
Iowa State Fair Pork Tent Pork Producers Assn

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent
Iowa State Fair Pork Producers Assn

Dr. Phillips on Police Harley

Dr. Phillips on Police Harley
Bandana Barbeque Springfield Missouri

A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa

A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa
John, Julie, Ellie, Will and Luke

Monday, December 10, 2012

AMERICA 2016, WHO WILL BE THE NEXT TRUE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE? Although, I am not a candidate there have always been surprises resulting from ranking and speculating about the person who will be a future presidential nominee. One would expect most of the names mentioned, would surface from a background of prior political service, becoming nominees in 2016. Yet, in recent weeks, in fact the last several years we have focused our attention on some leaders who were not only politically incompetent, but lived unethical, devious and dishonest lives. A few examples include former senator John Edwards, South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, senator Ingle, former Illinois governor Blagojevich, discredited president Bill Clinton, and many others have awakened us to the fact that prior political service is no guarantee of fidelity, honesty, morality and ultimate representation of the American people. This next election cycle I believe is witnessing an anti incumbency modality hitherto not seen in recent years. We are told there are no perfect candidates, I disagree there are many outstanding Americans. Where should Americans search for qualified, honest, caring, moral, public servants? Obviously, the original founders looked among themselves for future servants of the people. The original fifty-five framers of our Constitution included; shippers, scientists, farmers, investors, retirees, lawyers, one minister, a college administrator, and most founders were citizens of good reputation. They were, “give me liberty or give me death” representatives of the people. Only nine of the fifty five actually worked for government compensation. Where will Americans discover the candidate who will work as their servant, committed totally to creating jobs, reducing taxes, promoting a strong economy based on free enterprise, constitutional liberties and our form of government? Will this future nominee be faithful to both civil (presidential) and all solemn oaths (like marriage) will the candidate’s wife and children be an asset to society? Will the nominee stand rock solid against radicals, lobbyists, special interest groups, rogue nations, terrorists and ultimately commit to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States so help him God, if elected? How will the nation decide on a true grassroots nominee who will serve for a dollar a year, in the tradition of the late John F. Kennedy? What path will lead us to this future President living and teaching traditional values, protecting small business, corporate growth, creating millions of new jobs at home? Will this person come to us through public relations imaging, political position, pseudo campaigns and photo opportunities? No, this servant will be identified while walking, working, living among the people, stating personal, national and personal constitutional convictions and listening to the advice and suggestions of the American public. His substance will be deep and committed for too often as a nation we have chosen celebrities and corrupt politicians over serious leaders. This nominee when chosen president will give 24/7 to protect and proudly lead this great country. This selected public servant by the people will give the nation pride and vision once again, in its history, and achievements. This candidate of the people will stand boldly in the global assembly of nations and proudly extol American individualism and achievement. As president, this individual will never apologize for America or bow a knee to foreign heads of state. This public servant will serve the nation exhibiting great force of will and personal compassion while unifying citizens in a common pursuit of excellence. The candidate chosen will ultimately be identified in the schools, homes, churches, schools, neighborhoods and hearts of citizens through their election process. That is how it will happen and when it does America will have given the nation an authentic intelligent public servant to face a time of great challenges. Dr. Alan Phillips, Sr.