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Dr. Phillips Grilling
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Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent
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A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa
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Monday, December 7, 2009

NY Times, 12.7, EPA Sets Carbon Crackdown, John M. Broder

Steve Forbes today wrote an excellent article appearing today in the Forbes online newsletter warning investors to watch out for Government policy making. Bad government policy inhibits and short circuits free markets which always work better than a government dominated system. Government regulation like the Smoot-Haley Tariff act helped trigger the Great Depression. The Federal Reserve's unbridled printing of money has already helped to stave off recovery.

Now, in the midst of this global warming hype and the useless Copenhagen conference the Obama EPA seeks to mandate and enforce a ludicrous Carbon Dioxide rule-endangerment finding. This is being done without regard for small business, increased taxing, increased consumer costs and the fact that the large nations of the world like China and India will not abide by such nonsense. We exhale carbon dioxide, will our mouths soons been taped?

The U.S. may be responsible for 25 percent of the globe's carbon emissions. Martin Feldstein, an outstanding economist and past governmental adviser in saner days, indicates that this concept is nonsense. At best, if we adopt and follow our nation's own ridiculous mandates (Waxman-Markey) or cap and trade at best the climate might benefit by .02 Celsius. This type of reasoning by the administration and their behind the scenes planners, defies logic.

Steve Forbes, as usual has it right when he reiterates, capitalism is the way out of this economic morass. This is why this past week, while visiting with Iowans, along with myself there was utter disbelief that this government is spending time promoting this nonsense. It will further dampen the recovery and continue our slide toward a third world nation profile. I witnessed the Presiden't job summit but apparently that was merely a photo opportunity. We need jobs in this country and I want to know how additional regulations are going to assist that effort? Frankly, they will not and the administration knows that fact. Apparently, other folks than common Americans are dictating programs. Once again, here is my jobs proposal, I will repeat it, in the words of Adlai Stevenson, until "hell freezes over."

I propose finally that government remove itself from blocking the free markets and the principles of capitalism.