Dr. Phillips Grilling

Dr. Phillips Grilling
Iowa State Fair Pork Tent Pork Producers Assn

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent

Mary Beth Phillips at Pork Tent
Iowa State Fair Pork Producers Assn

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A Great Farm Family, The John Preussner of Iowa
John, Julie, Ellie, Will and Luke

Monday, November 30, 2009

NY Times, 11.30 Comments on Mike Huckabee

Dr.Alan Phillips

The words of Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney Larry Jegley “This is the day I’ve been dreading for a long time” echo across the nation today in the deaths of four of our finest law enforcement officers, murdered near Seattle Washington. This terror should and could have been prevented with strong leadership.

I am disappointed and disgusted when those sworn to uphold the law are shown to be derelict in their duty and fail to protect the people. There was absolutely no rationale for commuting the sentence of Maurcie Clemmons for his criminal behavior and crimes. Sentenced to 60 years in prison on the strong recommendation of prosecutors his sentence was commuted by a sitting governor granting him clemency. Mike Huckabee has called this crime a “horrible tragic event.” In my opinion, it was more than a tragic event, it was a horrible ambush and murder of four policemen by someone who should still be confined in an Arkansas prison. Mike Huckabee also indicated that if Clemmons is found to be responsible, It will be “the result of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington state”. I disagree strongly with Mike, there would have been no incidents in Washington state if the Arkansas governor had not granted clemency to a predator in the first place.

I had dismissed earlier rumors of the Governor’s past criminal justice leniencies as mere political jabs from the past. As a result of the deaths of these front line defenders of our freedoms, I am unimpressed with Huckabee’s comments. A matter this harmful and serious cannot be spun by an incompetent former public official. Frankly, the Governor failed miserably and as a result families that should be sharing a marvelous Christmas-Holiday season together will now embark on decades of grief. No book, television show, guitar solo, or public relations effort will remove the devastation wrought by this hardened criminal who should have been left imprisoned.

Mike my message to you, “You have failed to follow the most basic guarantee of the constitution, our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You should have been in this instance a protector of the security guaranteed to all Americans through leadership which defends the dispensation of criminal justice. Parole boards, appointed by officials, are most mindful of an executive’s preference, the chief executive cannot hide behind their actions espousing non involvement.

I am a Republican with many friends from both parties, I love my country and our people. Your precipitous action has violated much of the nation’s trust, you failed to protect the people. Mike, I will not vote for you as a candidate for higher office.”